Breaking Habits

Breaking Habits

"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us"  John Dryden.

I can't stop!

A habit, by it's very nature, is something we do again and again, but we do it unconsciously...... that's why it's so hard to stop! It becomes a part of our daily routine, an automatic behaviour that our mind no longer questions, it just does it. On top of that, what makes it even harder to stop is that before that behaviour became a habit it had developed as a response to a need ...and that's ok if it's a habit which is good for us like eating an apple when we're hungry; but what if it's a bad habit we've got into, that we keep doing despite its increasingly negative outcomes? Often the bad habit is still providing some form of satisfaction on an unconscious level. For example it may be acting as a self-soother, making us feel popular, loved or perhaps gaining us sympathy. At some point we've unconsciously realised that the habit is alleviating our need in some way so we end up repeating it again and again to make us feel better or more fulfilled. Sadly, habits are usually just a temporary fix. Not only do we have to keep doing them to relieve the need every time it pops up, but the bad ones are also generally considered socially offensive or have a detrimental impact on our health, wellbeing or relationships.

How can hypnotherapy support me?

It's time to be kind to yourself and unlearn those bad habits you've learned. What worked for you in the past, is likely no longer working for you now. Our brains are amazing, they're constantly growing and adapting to changes in our lives. Hypnotherapy offers a new perspective on your habit.
  • Target unconscious motivations
  • Take powerful action. 
  • Re-frame your motivations.
  • Learn alternative ways of thinking and new positive behaviours to attend to your needs.
If you have both the commitment and determination needed to make these changes, scroll down to learn how hypnotherapy can help with some common minor addictions and bad habits.

What will I learn?

  • What's triggering and perpetuating your habit or addiction.
  • What's preventing you from stopping
  • More about who you are and what you need
  • How to detach your habit or addiction from your needs
  • How to be confident in your ability to change

What can I achieve?

  • Freedom from your unconscious motivations
  • Control over your actions
  • The power to decide to stop
  • Sense of fulfilment
  • The ability to stop


Do you want to stop biscuit binging but don't know how? Or perhaps you find yourself constantly picking and grazing all day and are feeling like you've lost control. Are you snacking in front of the TV at night and putting on weight because of it?

Unhealthy snacking habits are a very common guilty pleasure which can unfortunately get out of hand quickly and go from the occasional treat to a daily habit very easily. Hypnotherapy can help you get back on track and restore the level that's right for you.

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Stop Smoking

Are years of smoking now taking their toll? Is smoking affecting your health, your lifestyle and relationships? Have you tried other ways to give up but keep caving in to the cravings?


If you think you have the necessary commitment and determination to stop smoking, please contact me.

I take a two-session approach to stop smoking and provide you with your own personalised self-hypnosis audio to take away with you after the second session to support you in sticking to your goals.

The two sessions are spaced at weekly intervals. We start with an initial 90-minute consultation session which will include laying out your goals and the steps to take to achieve them. I'll then conduct a deep relaxation and take you into the first stop smoking hypnotherapy induction. The 60-minute hypnotherapy session in the following week will cement all your good work already achieved. It includes a second stop smoking induction and discussion of further plans to help maintain a smoke free life.
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Nail Biting (onychophagia)

Do you have a compulsion to bite your nails? Have you damaged your nails and the surrounding skin? Is it causing dental problems and mouth infections? Are you struggling to stop? Learn how to relax and calm the anxiety, identify your triggers and take control.
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Social Media

Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media but can't remember afterwards what you'd been looking at? Does time just disappear when you're on your phone? Are you addicted to posting and always looking for things to post wherever you are and spending hours thinking about what and how and when to post?

Social Media in some form or another is a part of our lives now whether we like it or not. It's a great way to instantly communicate and connect with others. But what if it's taking over your life? What if you're neglecting those closest to you because of it? What if you can't stop picking up your phone even though you're out with your friends in town?

Where do you draw the line? Hypnotherapy can help you find the right balance in your life. 

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