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Smoking. Why Can't I Just Stop?

Amanda Lonergan • November 16, 2021

 How can hypnotherapy break the cycle?

You probably already know the detrimental effects of long term smoking, you've had the health issues drummed into you time and time again. Perhaps you've reached the point when smoking is no longer serving the same purpose it used to for you, in fact it's becoming a nuisance and you're determined to stop and break free from being tied to the monotonous cravings every day. Yet despite all your best intentions, the good advice and rational thinking, you still continue to smoke. So why can't you just stop?

If only it were that simple. Rationalising never works when emotions are at play and if it were that simple you wouldn't be addicted in the first place. Blame it on the nicotine. Or more precisely, blame it on the feel-good chemicals that are produced by the receptors which are created by the nicotine. It's these that are addictive and keep us coming back for more.



So how can you break the cycle? What does hypnotherapy do differently?

By linking your conscious and unconscious thoughts about smoking, hypnotherapy does a few things.

- it offers a new perspective on your addiction.

- breaks down what's triggering and perpetuating your addiction.

- helps detach the addiction from your needs.

- re-frames your motivations.

- re-programmes your mind with new positive behaviours

If you are determined to stop smoking and highly motivated to find another way ....find out more at

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